New to Pelham (Pelham Minor Hockey Association)

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New to Pelham

Are you moving to Pelham from another OMHA Association? Click here for instructions and an OMHA Player Transfer Form for Residential Moves. 

Pelham Minor Hockey is an OMHA association if your hockey centre is an OHF Minor Member (i.e. GTHL/Alliance/NOHA) you need to:

  1. Email the PMHA Registrar that you are moving into Pelham, indicate your new address and move date so we can make note of it and confirm that your new address is within the Pelham boundaries. If your child wishes to tryout for Rep level hockey & click here for Rep level hockey registration details.                                                                                                     
  2. Contact your current association and notify them that you are moving to Pelham and that we are an OMHA centre; they will send you an OHF Residential Move form.  Complete the form along with the required documents listed and return them to your association.  They will submit it for approval and will communicate to you when it is approved.
    3. You may then return to the PMHA registration page to register with Pelham in the appropriate division & level.


Not from Pelham but wanting to play local league hockey here:

Email the Registrar regarding a “Share for a Year” transfer.  Include either your child's Hockey Canada registration # or 

1. their full name as registered in Hockey Canada

2. their full date of birth

3. their address

The Registrar will submit the transfer request. You will be notified when it's approved at which time you will then be able to go the the PMHA Registration page to complete your child's registration.