Awards (Pelham Minor Hockey Association)
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Pelham Cup Award
Pelham Cup Award
not played this season
Presented to the house league coach who have won their division for the Pelham championship.
Winners By Year
Tyke 2012 - 2013
John S. Guitard
Novice 2012 - 2013
David G. Shirton
Atom 2012 - 2013
Steve R. Scott
Pee-Wee 2012 - 2013
Bantam 2012 - 2013
Timothy V. Vanhoffen
Midget / Juvenile 2012 - 2013
Joel B. Barnhart & Steve R. Scott
Atom 2011 - 2012
Wayne M. Hennessy
Pee-Wee 2011 - 2012
R. Lindsay Clark
Bantam 2011 - 2012
Timothy V. Vanhoffen
Midget / Juvenile 2011 - 2012
Tyke 2011 - 2012
David G. Shirton
Novice 2011 - 2012
Stephen T. Karnay
Tyke 2009 - 2010
Stephen T. Karnay
Tyke 2010 - 2011
David G. Shirton
Novice 2010 - 2011
Steve R. Scott
Novice 2009 - 2010
Kenneth M. George
Atom 2009 - 2010
Terry D. Free
Atom 2010 - 2011
Paul J. Karasz
Pee-Wee 2010 - 2011
David T. Nunn
Pee-Wee 2009 - 2010
William D. Deba
Bantam 2009 - 2010
R. Lindsay Clark
Bantam 2010 - 2011
Donald J. Casey
Midget / Juvenile 2010 - 2011
Timothy V. Vanhoffen
Midget / Juvenile 2009 - 2010
Stuart M. Butler
Tyke 2008 - 2009
Joel B. Barnhart
Novice 2008 - 2009
Wayne M. Hennessy
Atom 2008 - 2009
Craig R. Gemmel
Pee-Wee 2008 - 2009
John G. Piccolo
Bantam 2008 - 2009
Ronald J. Hrcak
Midget / Juvenile 2008 - 2009
Stephan T. Karnay
Tyke 2007 - 2008
John G. Piccolo
Novice 2007 - 2008
E. Paul Wilson
Atom 2007 - 2008
G. Bruce Horvath
Pee-Wee 2007 - 2008
Daniel V. Ruzgys
Bantam 2007 - 2008
Darryl W. Baltjes
Midget / Juvenile 2007 - 2008
Brent A. Mergl
Tyke 2006 - 2007
William D. Deba
Novice 2006 - 2007
Thomas J. Coyne
Atom 2006 - 2007
Eric D. Sinclair
Pee-Wee 2006 - 2007
Paul J. Coyne
Bantam 2006 - 2007
James V. Duliban
Midget / Juvenile 2006 - 2007
Stephen T. Karnay & Brent A. Mergl
Tyke 2005 - 2006
Brian H. Glenney
Novice 2005 - 2006
Steven R. Gabryelski
Atom 2005 - 2006
Gregory Campbell
Pee-Wee 2005 - 2006
Jeffrey A. Leavens
Bantam 2005 - 2006
James V. Duliban
Midget / Juvenile 2005 - 2006
Brent A. Mergl
Tyke 2004 - 2005
Jeffrey A. Leavens
Novice 2004 - 2005
Thomas J. Coyne
Atom 2004 - 2005
Wayne E. Cook
Pee-Wee 2004 - 2005
Garry D. Gentry
Bantam 2004 - 2005
stephen B. Henderson
Midget / Juvenile 2004 - 2005
David A. Fennell
Tyke 2003 - 2004
David W. Grant
Novice 2003 - 2004
Thomas J. Coyne
Atom 2003 - 2004
Michael D. Ackroyd
Pee-Wee 2003 - 2004
James V. Duliban
Bantam 2003 - 2004
Ronald R. Gilbert
Midget / Juvenile 2003 - 2004
Dino M. Germano
Tyke 2002 - 2003
David C. Duliban
Novice 2002 - 2003
Michael D. Ackroyd
Atom 2002 - 2003
Douglas W. Hall
Pee-Wee 2002 - 2003
Allan J. Toth
Bantam 2002 - 2003
Marvin A. Junkin
Midget / Juvenile 2002 - 2003
Jim S. Salomons
Tyke Jr. 2001 - 2002
David C. Duliban
Tyke Sr. 2001 - 2002
Thomas J. Coyne
Novice 2001 - 2002
Garry D. Gentry
Atom 2001 - 2002
Jerry J. Winnicki
Pee-Wee 2001 - 2002
Robert M. Shoalts
Bantam 2001 - 2002
Larry G. Egerter
Midget / Juvenile 2001 - 2002
Timothy P. Trotter & Stephen J. Cook
Tyke Jr. 2000 - 2001
Randy J. Momot
Tyke Sr. 2000 - 2001
Timothy P. Trotter
Novice. 2000 - 2001
Allan J. Toth
Atom 2000 - 2001
Stephen B. Henderson
Pee-Wee 2000 - 2001
Larry G. Egerter
Bantam 2000 - 2001
Aaron Free
Midget / Juvenile 2000 - 2001
Brad H. Johnston
Tyke Jr. 1999 - 2000
Dave C. Duliban
Tyke Sr. 1999 - 2000
Rob B. Bizley
Novice 1999 - 2000
Jim A. Briggs
Atom 1999 - 2000
Troy R. Dudzik
Pee-Wee 1999 - 2000
R. Lindsay Clark
Bantam 1999 - 2000
John W. Gibson
Midget / Juvenile 1999 - 2000
Norm Brochu
Tyke Jr. 1998 - 1999
Tim Nohara
Tyke Sr. 1998 - 1999
Garry D. Gentry
Novice 1998 - 1999
Steve B. Henderson & Troy R. Dudzik
Atom 1998 - 1999
R. Linsday Clark
Pee-Wee 1998 - 1999
Scott D. Burwell & Al C. Horan
Bantam 1998 - 1999
Tim Whalen
Midget / Juvenile 1998 - 1999
Wayne E. Cook
Tyke Jr. 1997 - 1998
Christopher M.
Tyke Sr. 1997 - 1998
Michael J. Kowalchuk
Novice 1997 - 1998
Troy R. Dudzik
Atom 1997 - 1998
R. Linsday Clark
Pee-Wee 1997 - 1998
Scott D. Burwell
Bantam 1997 - 1998
David C. Kratz
Midget / Juvenile 1997 - 1998
Wayne E. Cook
Tyke 1996 - 1997
Steve B. Henderson
Novice 1996 - 1997
Troy R. Dudzik
Atom 1996 - 1997
Mike H. Kershaw
Pee-Wee 1996 - 1997
Dan P. Wallman
Bantam 1996 - 1997
David C. Kratz
Midget / Juvenile 1996 - 1997
Brian J. Moores
Tyke 1995 - 1996
Brenda Frame & Paul A. Verroche
Novice 1995 - 1996
Jeff K. Davidson & Mike H. Kershaw
Atom 1995 - 1996
R. Lindsay Clark
Pee-wee 1995 - 1996
Fred C. Huneault & George W. Warden
Bantam 1995 - 1996
Mike E. Storosko
Midget / Juvenile 1995 - 1996
Awards Home
Current Year Awards List
Active Awards
The Douglas McKenzie Memorial Award
Pelham Cup Award
Mr. Hockey Award
Humanitarian Award
Hockey Trainer's Recognition Award