NOW OPEN - Pelham Minor Hockey registration for the 2018-19 season.
Registration information for the 2018-19 hockey season is now posted in the top menu entitled Registration 2018. Some information is also found within this article.
Please review both items written prior to signing up.
You will find our fee structure, our payment schedule, and other vital information regarding PMHA registration and conditions on the Registration 2018 page.
The link to the HOCKEY CANADA REGISTRATION SITE is also found on that page.
Participants intending on attending any minor hockey tryouts for the 2018-19 hockey season that are Pelham residents must first register with the PMHA prior to the PMHA providing any forms or documents for participation in another association.
We will NOT be processing Permission to Skate forms or NRP forms without a registration being completed. Those forms are now available.
Again this season, the PMHA will offer our best Registration rates when the registration process opens, and the longer you wait to register, the price will fluctuate higher.
Tryout fees are set at $100 per person, and a guarantee of three skates on PMHA tryout ice. Try out fees for PMHA Tryouts
must be paid in advance of PMHA Tryouts or skaters will not be permitted to skate.
There are absolutely no exceptions for any circumstance.
The PMHA will also be taking registrations in a first come first serve order, and when our programs are filled we will form a "Wait List". We have implemented limits for each division in PMHA....based on the formation of teams and the sizes of full teams. Any player that lands on a Wait List will not be guaranteed a place in the PMHA for the 2018-19 season, unless we get enough to add an additional team, but as always we will try our best as the season approaches to accommodate those on the wait list and find spots for players to participate.
Note for Local League hockey - priority will be given to returning PMHA members first, then Pelham residents secondarily, then out-of-town or coming back to PMHA people when it comes to populating our registration list. Non-Pelham residents wishing to play Local League in Pelham are encouraged, however, there is an out-of-town fee that will apply, and the PMHA will be accommodating Pelham residents first.
NRP players looking to come to Pelham Minor Hockey....we do not accept NRP players for the 2018-19 season.
Please do not have your association complete your form sending you to the PMHA. This form will not be accepted by the PMHA, and you will not be participating in our Tryout skates.
If there are any registration related questions, please email :
[email protected]
Thank you
Updated April 5 @ 10:30pm when the registration system opened
Updated April 4
Updated March 22 with info about registration date opening expectation
original posting made Feb 28