PMHA MEMBERS - a great way to stay informed is through our Twitter account! Many important items & announcements being updated daily !
Pelham Panther members.....
our Facebook page is being updated daily with great posts and stories and photos.
Please feel free to contribute and send in information to share with our Facebook group!
We also maintain an active and updated Twitter account -
@PelhamMHA - where items, news and photos are posted daily.
The PMHA has also entered the Instagram world too. Check us out there!
We would love a follow !!!!
You can also send us along things to post on these social media outlets or on the website.....
Here is the direct link:
Pelham Minor Hockey Facebook page
You can also access our official page by clicking on the Facebook link in the left hand Social Networking link area.
We hope that our members decide to follow us for additional news and information throughout the season.
Our website, as well as our Social Networking sites are constantly being updated to keep our members informed!
Our Twitter handle is @PelhamMHA
Our Instagram account link is also on the home page....
The official PMHA account handle is pelham_panthers_hockey
Thank you.
Please note that the/any previous Facebook page(s) will no longer be maintained with current PMHA information.
ALSO...any personal accounts or accounts set up by users that are not listed as one of these 3 officially maintained PMHA accounts are not run by the Pelham Panthers Minor Hockey Association.
Any use of our name and our logos in unauthorized accounts is prohibited and or not controlled by the PMHA.