Mar 10, 2017 | PMHA | 1744 views
THANK YOU to the Pelham Junior B Panthers
The Pelham Junior B Panthers hockey club has announced a donation to the PMHA of $1250.00 from proceeds generated through their 50-50 draws this season!
The idea to donate these funds to our PMHA Development was Tim's - his idea is to provide support & give back to us thereby assisting the PMHA's effort to organize power-skating and goaltending instructional opportunities and ice times - and these funds will be utilized directly for this purpose.
Also - we would like to formally thank the Jr B players who donated their skills and time to our Junior Panthers / Tyke programs on Saturday mornings.....(continued)
...during the hockey season.
The youngest PMHA members really enjoyed having the "big guys" out on the ice with them in their team jerseys during the season.
And finally....we also want to formally thank Brent...who is always at the arena in the canteen, usually there to assist our members with various things, and is always very cordial and polite to our PMHA people and players. We appreciate your efforts Brent!
So once again - THANK YOU - to the Pelham Junior B's for what they have done this season to assist our Pelham Minor Hockey Association!