Welcome to the 2016-17 hockey season to all of our Pelham Panther players and parents of all ages!
The ice is in at the arena, teams have started skating, and the regular season games will be upon us soon.
Your Pelham Minor Hockey Association Board and team volunteers have been very busy getting things ready for the September start up.
Please find attached a PMHA Panther Newsletter which will share numerous announcements and exciting news for the upcoming season.
You can download a pdf version by clicking below:
PMHA September Newsletter
Hopefully everyone enjoyed their summer, and hockey season is now here!
We would like to thank all of our volunteers and team staffs who have come forward to help make this a great experience for the players!
Correction Notice posting - date of Niagara Ice Dogs in Pelham is November 23, not Nov 16 as originally indicated.
Go Panthers!
Thank you,
The Pelham Minor Hockey Association Board 2016-17
original article posted September 14, 2016.